HtmlHelper | Strogly Typed HtmlHelpers | Html Control |
Html.ActionLink | Anchor link | |
Html.TextBox | Html.TextBoxFor | Textbox |
Html.TextArea | Html.TextAreaFor | TextArea |
Html.CheckBox | Html.CheckBoxFor | Checkbox |
Html.RadioButton | Html.RadioButtonFor | Radio button |
Html.DropDownList | Html.DropDownListFor | Dropdown, combobox |
Html.ListBox | Html.ListBoxFor | multi-select list box |
Html.Hidden | Html.HiddenFor | Hidden field |
Password | Html.PasswordFor | Password textbox |
Html.Display | Html.DisplayFor | Html text |
Html.Label | Html.LabelFor | Label |
Html.Editor | Html.EditorFor | Generates Html controls based on data type of specified model property e.g. textbox for string property, numeric field for int, double or other numeric type. |
The difference between calling the HtmlHelper methods and using html tags is that the HtmlHelper method is designed to make it easy to bind to view data or model data.
Press CTRL + Spacebar to autocomplete the Helper. Press CTRL + SHIFT + Spacebar to show the parameter options.